Browse the glossary using this index
Special |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
\normalsize - Everthing following the \normalsize command will be output in the smallest predefined font size until the system encounters another font size command.
- \normalsize is the default font size, i.e. the size automatically chosen if there is no font size command
- Ex.: $$\normalsize~3x$$ gives
\qquad - inserts a double space of current character set size
- Ex.: $$a\qquad~b$$ gives
\quad - inserts a space of current character set size
- Ex.: $$a\quad~b$$ gives
\small - \small
- Ex.: $$\small~3x$$ gives
\tiny - Everthing following the \tiny command will be output in the smallest predefined font size until the system encounters another font size command.
- Ex.: $$\tiny~3x$$ gives
absolute font sizes (overview) |
algebraic expression using @@@ x=y^2@@@ to create @@ x=y^2@@ |
alpha (lower case greek letter) $$\alpha$$ gives |
angle bracket - Syntax: \left<...\right>
- Ex.: $$\left<f,g\right>$$ gives
arithmetic operations - Type arithmetic operations and "=" as usual.
- Exp.: $$f(x)=x-2b+(3a/c)$$ gives
- See also keyword "fraction" for extended capabilities.