Math Notation Help

This glossary will help you build complex mathematical equations using the Tex markup language. This will involve using @@ or $$ before and after the expression to display the desired results.
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formula box

$$\fbox{x=\frac12}$$  is \fbox{x=\frac12}


$$\frac1{1-x}$$  is $$\frac1{1-x}$$


gamma (lower case greek letter)

$$\gamma$$ gives \gamma

Gamma (upper case greek letter)

$$\Gamma$$ gives \Gamma

greater than

@@@x>y@@@   is @@x>y@@

greater than or equal

$$x\ge~y$$ or $$x\geq~y$$ gives


greek letters (overview)

Simply write \greekletter for lower case and \Greekletter for upper case.

Here's a list of all known greek letters (Note: not all upper case greek letters are known):

Lower Case Greek Letters:

CommandFilter ExpressionResult

Upper Case Greek Letters:

CommandFilter ExpressionResult



$$\infty$$  is \infty


  • General syntax for symbols with a kind of lower and upper limits:


  • In general, there are two ways how these lower and upper expressions can be placed: centered below and above the symbol or in a subscript / superscript manner. In the first case the symbol name is preceded by the word "big", in the second there is no prefix.
  • Syntax for integral symbol:

$$\bigint_{0}^{\infty}$$   gives  



$$\int_{0}^{\infty}$$   gives 


  • Use font size commands for a nicer picture:

$$\LARGE\bigint_{\small0}^{\small\infty}$$   gives  



$$\large\int_{\small0}^{\small\infty}$$   gives 


iota (lower case greek letter)

$$\iota$$ gives \iota

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