Trinity Washington University
Annetta Dexter Sawyer, Adjunct Fine Arts & Dance Professor
Dance: Body & Mind, Fall 2024
FNAR 163 Day; 3 credits
email: dextersawyera@trinitydc.edu
T & Th Noon – 1:15 pm
office hours by appointment
Trinity Center Dance Studio
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Dance: Body & Mind introduces dance technique in combination with cutting edge alternatives to the study of movement. Students work on body-mind exercises that enable them to integrate principles of body coordination, explore creative visualization, and learn techniques related to classical and contemporary dance. This course is geared towards improved use of our bodies and an improved understanding of ourselves primarily through our body-mind connection & it’s manifestation in movement or dance.
OBJECTIVE: To dance & learn body-mind exercises based on sound anatomical & neuromuscular physiology. Students also explore creative visualization & learn techniques helpful in stress reduction for physical & spiritual well-being. Techniques covered are:
Dance as Laban/Bartenieff Fundamentals
1. These are methods that allow for a fuller range of movement by enhancing fluid coordination based on early human developmental patterns
2. These methods focus on the effort/shape dynamic movement takes
3. These Fundamentals lend an inner dimension or motivation to movement awareness
Other Alternative Techniques
· Alexander Technique
· Cranio-Sacral Therapy
· Constructive Rest Position
· Yoga Postures
· Body systems or somatic learning to create movement or choreography
· Body-Mind Centering Techniques tm & Codified Movements established by Dance Specialists
· Plus techniques of Modern Dance pioneers from eras – past or present – of artists you’re interested in! This is your Class Project which consists of research & posting footage/videos/photos to our Moodle Forum with written discussion of how this artist influences you! The Class Project is an opportunity to post about “firsts” i.e. first woman of color (e.g. first African American, first Asian American, first Latina American, first Native American woman, etc.) to make a break-through in Dance; first Latina/Latinx to make a name for herself; first to use Spoken Word in performance; etc.! Which choreographers & artists (dancers, actors, poets, musicians, performers, etc.) do you draw from? Post their videos on our Moodle Forum with a short discussion of what, why, you chose them! You may want to re-visit this in another assignment ~ your Performance Piece.
· We will touch upon various theatrical movement techniques that include playful improvisation
STUDENT OUTCOMES: Dance students gain a deeper understanding of their body through physiological or kinesthetic experience. Dance is visceral. It comes from our body, our instinct, our gut yet their intellectual & spiritual sense flourishes. Through concentration on dance elements students can identify what motivates them most, they find an appealing outlet for their personal expression, & they become more energized by the physicality of class. Students will walk away from class with a real life experience of the reading material, they will have had the analytical experience of maintaining a self-reflective journal, & finally they will know & understand their movement coordination to a higher degree than before.
HOW THE CLASS WORKS: This course integrates principles of body coordination as well as several alternatives to traditional “exercise”. Class begins with a gentle, meditative warm-up that incorporates Laban/Bartenieff Fundamentals with Cranio-Sacral Therapy exercises to improve head-to-lumbar alignment. There is a focus on the body’s skeletal & muscular structure & there are subtle exercises that accentuate cause/effect of muscular tension due to poor alignment habits. Class movement evolves from the flow of our floor warm-up to standing dance phrases.
In essence, we go about learning the beauty & ease of dance from a not so traditional approach. We may very well do traditional ballet or modern dance, but we will have approached it more innovatively than a typical, “mainstream” dance class.
· Attendance & class etiquette (no unexcused absences; tardiness effects your grade; quiet is expected during meditative warm-up; we applaud for each other at the end of class; use constructive criticism throughout semester)
· You Tube research on videos showing Bartenieff Fundamentals (viewing early on in the semester) Assignment 1: Post video of Bartenieff Fundamentals on our Moodle Forum. Due anytime but no later than Feb. 15
· Readings & Discussions from Sandra Minton’s books Modern Dance: Body & Mind; Body & Self Hand-outs will be available!
~ Hand-Out Discussion; Discussion/Lecture; Writing in & sharing Journal: Every Thursday session – Assignment 2 On-going Assignment: Write in & share your Journal during our weekly Lecture/Discussion on Thursdays! – Topics we’ll cover:
‘The Mind’; ‘Knowing Your Body’ with Skeletal Structure & Muscular Structure;
‘Being Aware of Your Body’ with Skeletal Structure & Muscular Structure;
‘Using Kinesthetic Sense & Imagery’
Current Events, Personal issues, Women’s Issues, Self-Care
As these are very complicated readings I will tell you what sections you must learn, what to study, & what you should be Journaling on.
I will provide copies of all READING MATERIALS or direct you to online sources. Your Journal Entries should encompass what you’re learning from The Readings, in class work, & our Discussions/Lectures.
· Class Choreography – we work on this all together through warm-ups & phrases in center (on the floor) as well as across-the-floor
Assignment 3: Post videos of Choreography on our Moodle Forum (On-going Assignment) This ties in with your Class Project (ask me how)! Due any time but no later than Mar. 7 (Before Spring Break & Mid Term Grades due)
· MAINTAIN A JOURNAL ~ Journal theme: A Look at Myself due every Thursday & last class of each month. Write about yourself in terms of these new readings, the hand-outs, & our class material & discussions. Write about Body Image; your theme for your Performance Piece; your Class Projectinfluence & how you’re feeling.
· Assignment 4: Create a performance piece -- (choose only female composers if you need music or sound accompaniment) Find what inspires you & make it your own…Solo or small group – we can talk about themes or subject matter but one I have in mind is – Body Image…Start thinking about a theme YOU want to explore…or you may choose to re-visit your break-through artist from your Class Project. Due at end-of-semester!
· Proper attire (dance wear & warm comfortable clothing only)
· Fine Arts Performance (end-of-semester demonstration possibly here or in Social Hall as part of your grade)
· Also required…
· Moodle Information & Transaction such as:
1. Group Discussions, Forum Topics, Video Postings, etc.;
2. You Tube Research;
3. Emails – we must stay in communication!
50% of grade based on in-class work, assignments, attendance, & performance of Class Choreography AND your Performance Piece
50% of grade based on readings/discussions/participation, Journals, & Moodle Postings/Class Project
Please note that attendance is very important as we build on material every class. There are no unexcused absences. If an absence is not cleared with me your grade will be affected. So come see me about any times you must miss! If you do miss class your grade may drop one full-letter grade if you accrue more than three missed lessons without my consent.
Welcome to a great semester of dance, creativity, discovery, community, AND self/collective HEALING!!!
- Teacher: Annetta Dexter-Sawyer