Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 9:29 PM
Site: Trinity Moodle
Course: Trinity Moodle (Home)
Glossary: Math Notation Help


  • An (m,n)-matrix is considered as an array of m*n elements, where the elements of a column are separated by "&" and the rows by "\\".
  • Syntax for an (m,n)-matrix:
    \begin{array}{colformat}a11&...&a1n\\a21&...&a2n\\... \\am1&...&amn \end{array}

    colformat defines the format of each of the n columns: l for left, r for right and c for center (hence {ccccc} defines for a (m,5)-matrix in which all columns are centered)

  • Ex.: $$\left(\begin{array}{lcr}a_{\tiny1}+d & a_{\tiny2}+d & a_{\tiny3}+d \\ b_{\tiny1}& b_{\tiny2}& b_{\tiny3} \\ c_{\tiny1} & c_{\tiny2} & c_{\tiny3} \end{array}\right)$$ gives

\left(\begin{array}{lcr}a_{\tiny1}+d & a_{\tiny2}+d & a_{\tiny3}+d \\ b_{\tiny1}& b_{\tiny2}& b_{\tiny3} \\ c_{\tiny1} & c_{\tiny2} & c_{\tiny3} \end{array}\right)

Note in the example above that "lcr" has the effect that column 1 is left aligned, column 2 centered and colums 3 right aligned.


$$-$$ is -

minus plus

$$\mp~a$$ gives \mp~a

mu (lower case greek letter)

$$\mu$$ gives \mu


$$x*y=z$$ is x*y=z

multiplication (with cdot)

$$a\cdot~b$$ gives a\cdot~b

not equal

@@@x<>y@@@   is @@x<>y@@

nu (lower case greek letter)

$$\nu$$ gives \nu

omega (lower case greek letter)

$$\omega$$ gives \omega

Omega (upper case greek letter)

$$\Omega$$ gives \Omega